A cleaning shop in Yaizu City. Saga-ryu is a kimono specialty cleaning shop that jumped out of C.S.U. I will finish your important one by one point.
We also accept special items such as stains that are said not to fall off, high-grade kimono, bumps, bags, leather goods, etc. Nationwide correspondence!
I'm Yusuke Ochiai, the publicist. From this weekend, we have been in a full-fledged self-restraint mood. What I enjoy is that eating delicious meals at low prices is a ^_^ daily stress relief~, and the number of restaurants that are the source of stress relief is increasing. My only lifeline... From now on, we have to think about how to release that stress.(^^)I think there are many ways to relieve stress. Especially for outdoor people, it may not be bearable, but it is patience until it converges (laughs) If you are an outdoor person, please come to CSU. We value the time we spend with our customers. If you like to talk, please visit us.( ◠‿◠ )Together with you, I would like to overcome the invisible coronavirus so as not to be defeated. In addition, we will upload a blog, so we hope that you can make it one of your pleasures. coming soon...LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Continue Reading...Good morning. Nice to meet you. This is Yusuke Ochiai, who is in charge of public relations at the CSU head office. With the spread of the new coronavirus infection, a nationwide warning declaration has been issued and people are refraining from going out. I think that regulations differ in each municipality, but the call for unnecessary and non-urgent outings and travel to neighboring prefectures is unified nationwide. We will inform you from our shop. We are currently holding a spring change sale. In our cleaning, we take all germs and antibacterial substances such as viruses adhering to clothes and hand them over to our customers. Why don't you take this opportunity to change your mood and change your clothes? ?? Business during Golden Week is closed on Tuesday, May 5. We will operate in a shorter time. Business hours:Weekdays 9:00~18:00 Sundays and holidays 10:00~17:00In addition, at our shop, we give top priority to the safety and security of our customers and do our best to prevent the spread of infection. We have a request from our shop. When you come to the store, please disinfect your hands and wear a mask. Disinfectants are installed at the counter. We will impose strict restrictions, but thank you for your understanding. All the staff are looking forward to your visit. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Continue Reading...【静岡稲川店より大切なお知らせ】いつもきもの病院さが流をご利用くださり、誠にありがとうございます。新型コロナウィルス感染拡大に伴い、お客様はじめ、スタッフの安全を考え本日4/21(fire)~5/6(water)の間、休業させて頂きます。営業再開は5/7(木)9時~を予定しております。また休業期間中、お困りの事やお急ぎのお品物がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせ下さいませ。店頭へのお電話はお受けできなくなりますので下記のお問い合わせ先までご連絡いただけると幸いです。お問い合わせ先◆sagaryu.kimono@gmail.com◆インスタグラム・FBのメッセージまたは、本店焼津のシーエスユーは短縮させていただいておりますが営業しておりますのでお電話いただけるとすぐに対応させていただきます。◆シーエスユー 054-629-6108くれぐれも皆様体調には十分お気をつけてお過ごし下さいませ。またお客様に笑顔でお会いできる事を信じております。ご不便をお掛けいたしますが、引き続きのご理解ご協力をお願い致します。きもの病院さが流 落合Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
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